Welcome to SWG - Attack of the Clones!

We're creating an SWG server with content from the Clone era, completely changing the factions and game entirely. Our focus is on longevity, with kill tracking and tailoring to PVP and PVE players alike

We will also be introducing seasons to the game. Season 1 will be a permanent server. One key point we really narrowed in on, was the desire to play a fresh experience. That “first day” feeling was one that many new players, AOTC regulars and original live SWG players, would often speak positively of. All seasons after will last 4 months (subject to change) before wiping and will introduce unique and challenging content. Seasonal rewards and badges will be granted to players representing their progression during the season.

We have a unique timeline, with quests updated to represent it. Leaderboards for PVP and PVE hooked into the website. Professional dev team that understands the backbone of SWG and how to develop a strong and robust economy. No more buffs - log in and play. Doc and Entertainer buffs have been modified to account for that and will still be encouraged for harder end game content.

Republic Faction

The Galactic Republic, also known as the Grand Republic or simply as the Republic, was a democratic federal union spread across light-years of space. Old Republic and first Galactic Republic were terms affixed to the pre-modern Republic that existed until 1032 BBY, with the Old Republic also referring to the modern Republic that was supplanted by the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY. In addition, the term High Republic denoted the era in which the Republic reached the zenith of its power, lasting from around 500 BBY to around 100 BBY.

The Republic was founded many millennia before the Battle of Yavin, approximately 25,000 BBY, around the same time as the Jedi Order. The Galactic Senate governed the Republic under the Galactic Constitution, and comprised thousands of senators representing the Republic's member worlds. The Supreme Chancellor was the title of the head of the Republic, elected from ranks of the Senate to lead the government on Coruscant. An ecumenopolis or city-covered planet, referred to as Galactic City, Coruscant was the capital of the Republic and therefore the seat of the Senate.

CIS Faction

The Confederacy of Independent Systems, abbreviated to CIS, and otherwise known as the Separatist Alliance, the Separatist State, the Separatist Confederacy, or simply referred to as the Separatists, was a united galaxy-wide confederacy formed of outlaying star systems from the Galactic Republic, a democratic union, whom the Confederacy had opposed following a period of political turmoil. Established by fallen Jedi Master Count Dooku of the planet Serenno, who served as its Head of State, the Confederacy was founded from a belief of excessive taxation and corruption within the Republic's Galactic Senate, as well as a general feeling of dissatisfaction towards and neglect by the Republic-centric Core Worlds region of galaxy.

Furthermore, the Confederacy was secretly supported by several major galactic corporations which formed the Confederacy's executive council, including the Trade Federation, led by Viceroy Nute Gunray; the Stalgasin hive, led by Archduke Poggle the Lesser; the InterGalactic Banking Clan, headed by Chairman San Hill; the Techno Union, led by Foreman Wat Tambor; the Commerce Guild, led by Presidente Shu Mai; the Corporate Alliance, led by Magistrate Passel Argente; and the Retail Caucus.

Installing AOTC
user header

Click below to download the zip file. Extract the contents to a folder (e.g., C:/SWGAoTC) and then point to your SWG Directory.
** Note: The launcher may freeze at 99% the first time you run it. If it does, close it, and re-point it to the SWG directory.
** Note: Depending on where you install it (based on PC) you may need to run as admin. We've seen people need to run as admin when using /ProgramFiles


In Game Allowances

4 characters per account, 2 online at a time
One account per person, based on IP. If you have housemates that want an account, both contact devs in discord to start the process
Automated multiple (Discord bot and IP_Log table) multi-account tracker


Additional bunkers added to various planets
Players may preform self-stat migrations while unbuffed
Profession training costs reduced
Mount and vehicle summon lowered to 5 seconds Shuttles always available
Starports have 2min grounded (available), 40second wait

Leader Boards (coming soon)

PvP - Tracks enemy faction kills
PvE - Tracks mission completions and credits earned
Bounty Hunting - Tracks Jedi kills
Jedi - Tracks BH kills

Experience Rates

Combat experience rate increased (x2)
Crafting experience rate increase (x5)
Entertainer experience rate increase (x5)
Group experience rate bonus (+20%)
Jedi experience rate (x1)


Faction terminals now heal battle fatigue and wounds for credits
Mission terminals now show creature type and level
Players can select direction and level when choosing missions


Discord bot In-game chat
Galaxy-wide group and guild invites
Community transparency - bimonthly financial reports
Constant admin log audits



Classes have been tuned and adjusted (armor pen, damage mods, etc.)
Empty mind pool no longer incapacitates/kills
Stomach/Drink bar resets on death
Creatures can be afflicted with dizzy and knockdown
Planet-wide cloning


Restuss PvP zone added
PvP kill announcements
PvP Rez Sickness
PvP Currency - Players can obtain rewards from a vendor
PSG decay reduced in PvP combat
PvP TEF reworked DoTs balanced for PvP
PvP bases added to vendor
Faction pet limit
Faction kill reward split


Taunt fixed
Random pool attacks no longer target mind
Healing abilities now use mind
“Medical Use” skill lowers the mind-cost of healing abilities


Combat Medic

Removed Marksman as a pre-requisite Combat medic has had all crafting removed, and is now a combat-focused class


Unique Unlock - Jedi professions will follow the 7 main Lightsaber Forms along with 4 mastery professions to make a truly unique and engaging gameplay style.


Master Medic removed as a pre-requisite Novice Doctor requires 0004 in Medic Doctor Profession is now a buffing class and crafter for all medical items.


Large smuggler revamp, including skill changes, lots of defenses - bringing it up to be a proper combat class. Smugglers can select slice-type with a slightly reduced top percentage cap.


Ent buffs boost credit, xp, and faction gain rates

Squad Leader

Large SL revamp, including skill changes, lots of defenses/accuracy - bringing it up to be a proper combat/support class


Large Ranger revamp, including skill changes, lots of defenses - bringing it up to be a proper scouting/combat class. Tons of creature harvesting bonuses Less frontiering XP required. Can place organic harvestors for creature resources.

Bounty Hunter

New visibility system based on lore and the timeline. This is war. If you're involved in it, expect to be hunted by our bounty hunters!



Armor cap reduced to 70%
Armor resource effectiveness reduced
Armor decay changed to reflect damage taken


Various weapons added to game
Some weapons have been adjusted for better performance (i.e. increased AP and/or damage)


Resource stack size cap increased to 1 million


Vendors enabled for private houses
Bazaar max price increased to 100k and 50 listings


Base Extraction Rate (BER) increased for all harvesters
Heavy Harvesters have 130 BER and require 5 lots
Creature Harvesters added - Low BER